How to Copy Production Data into Staging for Better QAIt will often reach a point in the development lifecycle of your product where you will need to have an accurate staging environment in…Mar 7, 2024Mar 7, 2024
Generate Photos of Yourself by Training a LoRA for Stable Diffusion Privately on AWSWith the growing adoption of AI image generation there have been several apps launched that can generate professional, adventurous or other…Jan 9, 20242Jan 9, 20242
Run Stable Diffusion Without Giving Away Your Privacy Using AWS + Automatic1111The huge need for data in AI development has made it so almost everything you do gets logged and used for further third-party training…Dec 10, 2023Dec 10, 2023
AWS Multi-Account Access Across OrganizationsAs a service provider, freelancer or software factory you may often find yourself needing to quickly switch between multiple AWS accounts…Nov 29, 2023Nov 29, 2023
Build & Upload Android App to Google Drive Using FastlaneDeveloping an app for an account for which you don’t have programatic access and find yourself constantly having to manually build and…Oct 8, 2023Oct 8, 2023
Accessing Private Database in VPC Locally via SSH Tunneling to BastionIt is proper design to isolate your database from public internet access. However, what happens when you need to access it remotely? We…Aug 20, 2023Aug 20, 2023
Setting Up a New Apple Silicon MacBook for Software DevelopmentI was recently working when suddenly my Macbook Pro powered off and would not power back on. A trip to the Apple Store and a few hours…Jun 14, 2023Jun 14, 2023
Backend for API Based Google OAuth2 with Rails + DeviseI recently implemented Google’s OAuth for a ReactNative mobile app and noticed that most of the existing documentation is meant to support…May 21, 20231May 21, 20231
A Simple Continuous Deployment of a React Native App to Apple’s App StoreWe will create a Github Action to build and deploy a React Native mobile application automatically using Fastlane to the Apple App Store.Nov 30, 2022Nov 30, 2022
How Much Does Developing Software Cost in 2022?Developing software is now commonplace for businesses of every size basically everywhere. However, the prices for developing vary wildly…Aug 12, 2022Aug 12, 2022